Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Computing pedagogy blogs: Blogs I read

If you're a regular reader of this blog, you will hopefully have found some of my blogs useful. The most read ones are shown on the side panel on the right.

Here are some other blogs which I read to keep up with the latest research on Computing pedagogy and research:

NCCE Pedagogy

The Quick Reads on NCCE Pedagogy by @LegoJames are excellent. Sign up to the Research Bytes newsletter and also check out the podcasts.

Sue Sentance

Sue taught computing in secondary schools before moving to research and academia. She is now the Chief Learning Officer of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Her blog covers computing curriculum, policy and pedagogy. Of particular interest is the work she did with Jane Waite on PRIMM - a methodology for teaching programming.

Miles Berry

Miles is the principal lecturer and subject leader for Computing Education at University of Roehampton. His website has some insightful blogs relating to ITT and Computing education in general.

Alfred Thompson

Alfred has been reflecting on his teaching through a blog that goes back to 2005. Although his context is in the US, it provides a fascinating read.

Computing Ed

Curated by @guzdial. Mark Guzdial is a Professor in Computer Science & Engineering and Engineering Education Research at the University of Michigan. His Computing Ed Research Blog offers an academic research lens and covers secondary and higher education.

More to follow

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